Thursday, September 7, 2017

CE 1.2

1. There are 110,000 people gathering in Houston shelters.
2. Lake Bastrop has two slides, a rope swing, a giant trampoline and last but not least a giant bobbing "UFO" which you have to hang on to while it bobs up and down.
3. The new owner of whole foods is Amazon due to them shelling out 13.7 billion dollars.
4. Two apps that will help with note taking are Brevity and Writepad.
5. Out of these record stores i think i've been to waterloo records.

1. My moms boyfriend, his name is Christopher, lived in Houston and had to evacuate to our house. His car was flooded but his apartment was safe from the torrent.
2. If there was a catergory 5 hurricane heading for my home I would most likely pack as fast as i can and flee the city. I would hope our insuarnce would cover the house  but houses arent as important as lives.  What happened in Houston was a tradgedy and I hope its never forgotten.
3. I feel that due to immense property damage and wounded or killed people the federal goverment should provide free health and property insurance to all those afflicted.
4. I think Insurance companies should cover the private property damage not the federal goverment. Its their jobs not the goverment to take care properties that were tore down and flooded.
5. No i do not think climate change took part in the hurricane. before we had cars and started polluting the Earth Giant hurricanes and natural disasters happened all the time. I think its just the climate change that has everybody when it reality climate change is a natural process that happens in cycles on the Earth. In the past the Ice Age happened cause of climate change all the ice melted away because its a natural process.

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