Tuesday, August 29, 2017

News Ethics

1. PETA started a campaign called Holocaust on a plate and its meant to compare the mass genocide of 6 million jews to the slaughter of animals. The campaign shows a camp where animals are being slaughtered in a similar fashion to people in concentration camps during world war 2. PETA was sued by the Central Court of Jews and the campaign was later banned by the supreme court.
I think PETA was wrong for doing this because their comparing the slaughter of 6 million people to animals and people who lived through the holocaust were rightly disgusted by this. The mass genocide of families and people should not be compared to the way we get our food and our way of survival.
2. The pop-rock band the tings tings upcolming album was leaked which caused the band to loose thousands of dollars. Situtaions like this are happening all over the music industry and its causing a lot of lost revune which the band members need to survive. Even the these pirate attacks have been ignored by the news, instead of talking against the acts they are just commenting on how it happened.
I think this is bad because it hurting the music economy by allowing people to easily get the free music instead of paying for it. This causes band who work hard to produce music loose revune which they need to survive.
3.The reporters of the wateragate scandal kept the source a secret and called him deepthroat. In 2005 his name revealed to be Mark Felt, a FBI agent. News sources should be kept secret if it might damage their career or put them in harms way.

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