Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Big Day Story

The Big Day

When real estate mogul John Harrisons son got married you would think it would have been great day. There was gourmet food and everyone was dancing, having a great time, but when a man rushed into the church a big secret was revealed. The man who rushed in was named Rob Smith the Angelina the brides secret lover who tried to get her not to marry.
 As Rob Smith said" I was not her fiance because her dad made her marry another man" and we can all assume this was due to Harrisons massive amount of wealth. " Daddy wouldn't let me marry Rob because he wasn't rich, he was average, He wanted the money for him it was all about the money'" said Angelina the Bride. I think how greedy do you have to be to maniplulate your own daughters love for money. John Harrison the father of the soon to be husband was just apalled. " I thought we were good friends, I thought he liked me for me and not my money. We would go out and golf and have a great time just talking and I believed he was being real, no, he was just using me for my money" Said John Harrison. How crazy you know, a friendship that was just a cover to get the money from the Harrisons and his daughter.
 " I was mad at Angelina but I realised it wasn't her fault, She was being used and I can't hold that against her" said Lance Harrison. Lance fell for Angelina and she had to fake her love, even though she was being used I think she could have at least told Lance the truth. I know it can be hard betraying someone, espically when its a family member you care about and love and I can't put that against her. " I know it was a bad thing to do, but I just wanted the best for my daughter and her future children, you have to understand it wasn't all about me" said Jack Garrison. Even though it's good to care about someone and do anything to help them, but if the help goes against their own wishes goals you should step back, Im not saying it was just out of greed but he should have at the least talked to her about how she wanted to approach the sitiuation.
 A wedding that was just a masquerade, what a strange and cruel prank to pull and even though it was out of love it still was cruel thing to do. Its not all bad news though Angelina and Rob might get the dads blessing as a way of apologizing for his actions, so there still might be hope for a brighter world.

Headlines and Links

Trump tax plan send dollar , bond yields higher

APD increases enforcement as woman fights off attacker.

Airlines suffer global delays after booking fail

Auroa movie shooter revealed

GPA rised to 3.1% over 3%

Googles ultra pixel android leaks online

Hugh Hefner legacy of civil rights campaigner

Maryland stadium adds more security to protect Ray Lewis statue

How to avoid bed bugs

Man thinks he has Lung cancer, turns its a Playmobil trafic cone.

Important journalists

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The big day

So we see a man driving down a road in what looks like a regular, old car and we see a bride getting a dress tailored. we can assume that the man in the car is drving so fast because he's trying to get to his wedding and he's late. As he's driving he gets slown down by other slower vehicles and a train, then when he finally gets to his wedding his fiance is marrying another man because he wasn't fast enough, and we can assume this because he wasn't driving a Volkswagen.


Who: Diver or the car, Bride, Man in the chair, Religous Leader, Husband.
What: Driving, fixing dress, Looking out window, Closing door.
When: Wedding Day.
Where: Church, fields, forest, Beach, Bridge, Mountains, City
Why: Driving to wedding.

Driver= Rob Smith
Were you going to your wedding?
No, I was driving to see my love.
Where were you at?
I was driving to Charlotte, North Carolina.
Was that girl your Fiance?
No, because her dad made her marry another man.
 Bride= Angelina garrison
Was the man in car the man you were supposed to marry?
No, but he was the man I loved.
Who was the man in chair?
He was my father.
Did you love the man you were marrying?
His family is very wealthy so I was forced to marry him.
Man in Chair= Jack Garrison
Did you have any control on who the Bride married?
Yes, I made her marry the man at wedding because his family is wealthy.
Were you the father?
Yes I am the father.
If you were the father, where was her mother?
Her Mother died a couple years ago.
Religous Leader
What church are you apart of?
The Catholic Church.
Did you know the bride or the man in the chair?
Yes he attends our church.
What was your opinion on the wedding?
I don't think you someone should be forced to marry.
Husband= Lance Harrison
Did you love the bride?
Yes I loved her.
Did you know the father.
No but him and my dad play golf together.
How did you meet the bride?
Her father introduced her to me.

CE 1.4

1. The 4 senators were Sen. Susan Collins, Sen. Mcain , Sen. Ted Cruz and Sen, Rand Paul.
2. The last time was during 1969, during the Nixon administration.
3. A skimmer is a device that you put on a credit card slot and it steals the cards information.
4. Because they believe it will help hire better employes.
5. J.J Mason

1. Yes I have heard this story before, there were people in Geography starting an argument about it.
2. They shouldn't be required to not do anything that isn't illegal, so it shouldn't be condemned if they want to protest something but I don they should do it at work.
3. As I said in my last answer I don't think it should be against the rules but they should keep political opinions out of work.
4. No, I think he took the easy way out by just ranting about it on social media instead of talking about it in depth in a speech.
5. Yes I do, I think because they are African-American they feel more close to home of the victims of the police shootings.
6. I don't know very much except that he refused to pledge because he felt America was a bad country.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

How to adult

1. How to adult: mortgage
2. How to adult: finding career paths
3. How to adult: bank accounts
4. How to adult: managing money
5. How to adult: Moving out

How to adult: Finding career paths

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Som story

The story today is about a girl Shika named who became student of the month and how she got there.
The student of the month goes to James Bowie High School and it occured during the 2017-2018 school year.

 She became student because she wanted to challenge herself and she did that by applying herself in every class and using her time wisely for homework and studying.

 " Shika works very hard in class and really worked for this student of the month" said math teacher Matt Johnson." She really worked hard and challenged herself so she was a perfect choice".

Shika maintains a 3.9 GPA and is involved with a bunch of clubs and extra curricular programs.

When asked what she does at home she answered " I usually finish all my homework and other assignments, then I study for 3 hours if I have a test or exam"

During last years graduation she got rewarded all 5 awards that were handed out for academic execllecne.

" Shika takes her academics and future very seriously and is very engaged in school activities so it's no surprise that school board picked her for student of the month" Said Principal Mark Robinson.

Shika wants to pursue a medical career and she finds the study and use of medicine incredibley intresting.

" I want to be in the medical field when I am older, I just everything about medicine so intresting. Im hoping to get a scholarship to Oxford or maybe even Harvard and I think this student of the month reward will really help".

While having a passion for all things academic Shika also has a passion for the fine arts.

"Usually when I get free time I like to play the violin, sometimes I play other peoples music and sometimes I write my own".

Shika has a younger a younger brother named James who is in 7th grade at Clint Small Middle School.

" I see my big sister as a real inspiration and she's the best big sis anybody could have. She helps with homework and projects as well as helping motivate me when Im not in the mood to work" said Shikas younger brother James.

The next student of the month will be revealed in late november

320 words

inverted pyramid

Friday, September 15, 2017

Stories of the Century

1. JFK assassinated
2. Bill Clinton gets impeached for sex scandal.
3. Teacher john scopes trial

John Scopes Trial

The scopes trial began on july 10th, 1925 and was an american legal case in which high school subsitute John Scopes violated the Butler act by teaching evolution in school. In reality the trial was staged to attract publicity to the small town of Dalton, Tennesse. John Scopes didnt even know he taught evolution but still inciminated himself.
  Even though the entire trial was staged it did still spark some contriversey. It triggered a century long debate on evolution vs creation and had people question traditional values. So thats how the John Scopes trial impacted history and the present.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Student of the month

1. How did you get student of the month?
By keeping good behavior and grades.
2. Do you enjoy being student of the month?
Yes because it challenges me.
3. What is your home routine?
Do homework till 7, study till 10.
4. Whats your favorite thing about being student of the month?
The responsabillity.
5. What is your least favorite thing about being student of the month?
The amount of work.
6.  How does being student of the month affect your friends.
They are very supportive.
7. How do your parents feel about you being student of the month?
They are supportive also.
8. How has being student of the month affected you?
Seeing more oppurtunity.
9. Do people get jealous of you being student of the month?
No they are more supportive.
10. What are your wishes for the future?
To be the best I can be and go to a good college.
11. Do you already have a college picked out?
Yes, but open.
12. Are you planning on getting a job during the school year?
13. Whats your favorite class so far?
14. Do you enjoy school?
15. What are your career plans?
To become anything in the medical field.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Interveiwing basics School uniforms.

1. I could interview one of the students to see how they feel about this new policy and how its affecting them.
2. I could ask members of school board to see why they made this new policy.
3. I could ask the parents of one of the students to see if they like this new policy.

1.  How has this new policy affected you?
2. What is the outcome of new policy?
3. Is is new school uniform policy more or less expensive?
4. Why do you think they created this policy?
5. What are some good things about this policy?
6. What are some bad things about this policy?
7. Do you like this new policy?
8. What do other people think about this?
9. When was this policy created?
10. Is this new policy stylish?

Monday, September 11, 2017

CE 1.3

1. 7,000 members
2. He donated because he believed UT helped the best.
3. The current curfew is 11 PM to 6 AM.
4. They raised 10,000 dollars.
5. I would like to see 'IT'

1. It was weird he made a decison without the the support of other party members because he usually relied on other party members for descions.
2. I think he made that descion because he believed Republican leaders werent doing a good job and he wanted to reach across sides for better legislation.
3. I think the GOP leaders are angry at Trump and might talk bad about him or try to impeach him in the future.
4. Yes i do think the US will benefit from Trump reaching across sides because it will allow for support and unity among the american people.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

CE 1.2

1. There are 110,000 people gathering in Houston shelters.
2. Lake Bastrop has two slides, a rope swing, a giant trampoline and last but not least a giant bobbing "UFO" which you have to hang on to while it bobs up and down.
3. The new owner of whole foods is Amazon due to them shelling out 13.7 billion dollars.
4. Two apps that will help with note taking are Brevity and Writepad.
5. Out of these record stores i think i've been to waterloo records.

1. My moms boyfriend, his name is Christopher, lived in Houston and had to evacuate to our house. His car was flooded but his apartment was safe from the torrent.
2. If there was a catergory 5 hurricane heading for my home I would most likely pack as fast as i can and flee the city. I would hope our insuarnce would cover the house  but houses arent as important as lives.  What happened in Houston was a tradgedy and I hope its never forgotten.
3. I feel that due to immense property damage and wounded or killed people the federal goverment should provide free health and property insurance to all those afflicted.
4. I think Insurance companies should cover the private property damage not the federal goverment. Its their jobs not the goverment to take care properties that were tore down and flooded.
5. No i do not think climate change took part in the hurricane. before we had cars and started polluting the Earth Giant hurricanes and natural disasters happened all the time. I think its just the climate change that has everybody when it reality climate change is a natural process that happens in cycles on the Earth. In the past the Ice Age happened cause of climate change all the ice melted away because its a natural process.