Wednesday, May 23, 2018

CE 6.3

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. B

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Car Raid

For my Car Raid assignment I decided to interview my good friend's dad, his name is Harry Downing.
He has a Mazda cx 5 which is colored blue.

Harry is 62 years old and was born in Round Rock, Texas. For his occupation he works as a fitness instructor and counselor, and when it comes to fitness he focuses on cardiovascular activities such as running or cycling.

On the car I found a bike rack and I inquired further. He explained that "for exercise I usually go on a 5 to 6 mile bike ride around Austin". The bikes he had were solely road bikes and I asked him about that. He said "I only road bike, usually around the Veloway or downtown". I asked what else he does to exercise and he replied "I also like to go on a 1 to 2 mile jog in the morning to wake me up".

Inside his car I found a bunch of dog hair and I asked him about the amount of hair. I do know that he has 2 dogs, but I found the amount of hair interesting since my mom's car doesn't even have a speck of hair. He replied to that with " I have 2 dogs, even though you already know that. The reason I have so much hair however is because one of my dogs is very old so we have to take him to the vet a lot, and since he sheds a lot and I'm so busy I don't really have time to clean the hair out"

Inside his car I also found grocery receipts showing purchases of extremely healthy foods like fruits but mostly tons of vegetables. I asked him about his diet and he said "I like to eat healthy so I can be healthy. It goes along with my running regiment as well as the foods help me gain muscle and results, instead of just healthy calories. It might seem odd seeing as I'm over 60 years old but I've been doing this since I was a teenager, and I'm not going to stop soon because I love feeling healthy.

Because of my interviews I was able to come up with a pretty good idea of Harry's personality and traits. He cares much more about long term results instead of short term gratification and he also loves animals, as hes willing to drive his 10 year old dog to the vet all the time instead of putting him down.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Dispatch Issue #5

News-Austin Package Bombs Deliver Violence To Doorsteps

First- March 2 through March 20 a person was placing package bombs all over Austin, with communities being gripped with fear and the police doing everything they can to prevent another attack. Schools all over Austin had increased security and were much more perceptive, until at the tail end of March the 24 year old suspect was cornered and blew himself up.

1. Student body co-president Mateo Huerta, Principal Mark Robinson, and Teacher Aaron Bryant.
2. " You know you go through life and feel moderately safe and you don't feel safe as something happens to you out of that comfort zone, it's a weird feeling," Aaron Bryant.
3. Yes because it starts off with an intense situation that drags the reader in.
4. The conclusion was a quote.

1. No Photos
1A. NA

2. No Photos
2A. NA

3. If I as a photographer I would get pictures of the suspect or Law Enforcement.

4. There were no photos.

Commentary-Is STAAR Testing Effective

First-This article focuses on how STAAR testing isn't really necessary, like the damaging stress and anxiety it gives students and how the curriculum sets students up for failure as it's not being taught. The article then shows how if we remove STAAR testing from the school year it would be an improvement, due to school already being filled with enough tests and projects and the testing removes the individuality from student just to get some more funding.

1. No one is quoted.
2. No quotes.
3. Yes because it aligned with my opinions on STAAR testing.
4. Statment.

1. There was only one photo.
1A. I liked it because it showed the writers opinion on the subject.


HDR Preview

1. I will have to change the exposure every shot from the lightest light to the darkest dark.
2. We will take a Tripod when we shoot the HDR photos.
3. Someone might take an HDR photograph for a scenic or landscape picture.
4. Once we merge the photos together we might see the colors of the shot being expressed more vibrantly.

Merger Photo Preview

1. A problem when shooting could be trying to line up the shadows with one another.

2. I think a good place to shoot would be the courtyard.

3. I could spell out words with my arms or do unique posses.

4. I could wear something that doesn't take up a lot of space so I don't overlap.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Movie Review

Captain Phillips Movie Review

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come to face to face with pirates? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be kidnapped by said pirates? If you answered yes to those questions I think Captain Phillips may be the movie for you, as this emotional rollercoaster of a movie includes all the thoughts and feelings of being hijacked and kidnapped by Somali pirates without any of the danger.

 The story begins in Underhill, Vermont where Captain Phillips(Tom Hanks)and his wife Andrea Phillips(Catherine Keener)live a quiet life with Phillips being a Merchant Mariner. Captain Phillips is captaining a ship called the Maersk Alabama off the coast of Somalia when pirates board the ship. The pirate captain Muse(Barkhad Abdi), Najee(Faysal Ahmed) and 2 other pirates demand money from the ship and crew, but only obtain 30,000 dollars. With the pirates angry about the amount not living up to their expectations they kidnap Captain Phillips and hold him for ransom on a lifeboat. With Phillips trapped it's up to the Navy and the Navy SEALS Commander(Max Martini)to deliver Phillips back to America in one piece.

 In this movie there is possibly multiple themes and morals, but the one I'm bringing up is the theme of being content. This theme is shown throughout the movie and more specifically shown in the pirates. The pirates have the chance to walk away with 30,000 dollars but due to their greed they kidnap the captain and get the US Navy involved. Another possible theme is the idea of being selfless. Phillips could've fled and leaved his crew to the pirates, but instead he decides to sacrifice himself and save his crew. In return for being selfless his crew calls the Navy and has him rescued.

 I think the people that would enjoy this movie would probably be older and a little more understanding. I think younger people might not understand it or find the movie boring, but people who enjoy movies for characters and suspense would most likely enjoy it. With the movies focus on dialogue and atmosphere I think and older person would be immersed than a younger person.

 I think the movie was really interesting. The way the atmosphere and audio constantly drove up the suspense kept me on my toes the entire time. The way camera angles and the pacing really locks into the characters raw emotion makes you feel like your watching a documentary. Speaking of emotion the actors did a amazing job, and Tom Hanks especially with the way he was able to convey fear and hopelessness made you really think he was kidnapped by Somali Pirates. The one thing I didn't like with the movie was how slow the beginning was, but like the Godfather it gets much better.

 Overall this movie was superb with it mimicking the actual events to a tee. So in my opinion I'm giving this movie 5 pirates out of 5.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Movie Review Rough Draft

Captain Phillips Movie Review


Tom Hanks as Captain Phillips
Catherine Keener as Andrea Phillips
Max Martini as SEAL Commander
Chris Mulkey as John Cronan
Yul Vazquez as Frank Castellano 
Corey Johnson as Ken Quinn
David Warshofsky as Mike Perry
John Magaro as Dan Phillips
Micheal Chernus as Shane Murphy
Angus Maclnnes as John A White
Barkhad Abdi as Muse
Faysal Ahmed as Najee


Captain Phillips is the captain of a merchant vessel(Maersk Alabama)traveling to Kenya. Off the coast of Somalia their ship is hijacked by pirates, with Muse being the captain of the pirates. The pirates search the ship looking for a fortune, but they only end up with 30,000 dollars. The pirates angry that they didn't get the money they were hoping for, kidnap Captain Phillips and take him aboard a lifeboat so they can ransom him. With Phillips being trapped the US Navy approaches hoping to get phillips out alive.


I think the theme of this movie is about being content and grateful. The pirates could have left the ship with the 30,000 dollars and they would all be fine, but since they got greedy and tried to ransom Phillips they had to deal with the Navy and SEAL Team Six.


I think the people that would enjoy this movie are people who like suspense or danger.


I think this movie was really good. I really enjoyed how suspenseful the entire film was and how it kept me on my toes. The camera angles mixed with the great sound design really drove in the anticipation even more, and that coupled with how the pacing slowed down during more suspenseful parts really made this entire movie feel like a rollercoaster. The acting was also superb with Tom Hanks portraying fear and grief in such a manner that you would actually believe he was kidnapped by pirates. The pirates also go through a arch as they start off as being calm and controlling, but when the Navy shows up they start to panic and argue amongst each other. The only thing I had a problem with was the climax not really living up to the suspense.



Movie Prep

1. Captain Phillips, Navy Seals, the pirates.
2. The movie will be about the struggle of captain Phillips. It will start on the boat and will delve into the pirates getting on board the ship. It will then be about the tension between the crew and the pirates until the captain gets taken ransom.
 On the lifeboat it will show the stress and struggle of Philips and the pirates abusing him. Then it will show the Navy attempting to rescue Captain Phillips from the pirates. Finally with the escalating tension the Navy Seals will have to kill the pirates to rescue Phillips.
3. Because it was an american citizen being held hostage by pirates.
4. For cargo and money.

1. Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, Faysal Ahmed.
2. 7.8
3. Paul Greengrass
4. Dana Brunetti
5. BAFTA Award, Writers Guild of America Award.
6. 55 million USD
7. Audiences enjoyed the movie.
8. Other reviewers thought it was really good.

CE 6.1


1. 1,400
2.  Weakening of metal after repeated use.
3. 5,000 dollar raise to teachers, higher contributions for teacher health insurance, cost of living adjustments for retirees, and full day prekindergarten.
4. He played all 9 positions.
5. The city theatre.


1. In 2016, 54% of high school students enrolled in college.
2. 65% of high school students should be enrolling in college by 2030.

Movie Review Preview

Avengers: Infinity War

1. The publication is The Atlantic

2.  The writer for the review is Christopher Orr

3.  8/10

4.  Good story and characters

5. Bad ending

6. "It is far from a perfect movie, but it is probably close to the best movie it could have been." 

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Free Write

There is a guy sitting on a park bench reading a news paper. Pretty average for a man in the early 60's, but this was not any ordinary man. This man was a ghost, he legally never existed. Of course he wasn't an actual ghost, he was a ghost working for the CIA and he had to undertake one of his most dangerous missions yet.
 As I said before this story takes place in the early years of the swinging sixties, 1962 to be exact. You history buffs might know what happened in late 1962 but if you don't I will give you a little run down, because October, 1962 the Cuban Missile Crisis happened. This event was caused by the Soviets placing ICBM's in Cuba and aiming them towards the US. It caused 13 days of panic until the Soviet Union eventually took them out of Cuba. Our young agents mission was to infiltrate Cuba and capture a Soviet Missile Engineer wanting to defect.
 This was not like anything he has ever done before, because if he were to get caught the Soviets would likely conquer Berlin and maybe even attack the US. So there he was waiting for his bus to the airport on that lonely park bench. He couldn't arouse suspicion so he had to take a flight to Puerto Rico, then he would take a boat to Cuba. When he arrived in Puerto Rico he was picked up and taken to the coastline, where he was only given a pistol with a suppressor.
 When his fishing boat arrived on the coast of Cuba he saw nothing but an endless jungle. He took out his map and figured the Soviet base wouldn't be far, so he started to walk through the vast wilderness. As he walked on he heard the sound of trucks driving by so he started to crawl, and after a small hill he saw the clearing where the Soviets built their missiles. When he took out his binoculars to scan the area he heard Russian behind him and before he could react he was knocked out cold by the butt of an AK-47. When he woke up....

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

CE 6.2

Short Answer

1. 200 people
2. He felt sidelined by his boss and he wanted to spend more time with his family.
3. It is where candidates fill political clubs with their supporters to win endorsements. 
4. Bars and restaurants.
5. 250 Million. I have not seen it.

Long Response

1. The article is about how rural and urban schools in Colorado are switching to having classes 4 days a week instead of 5. 
2. Some advantages to 4 day weeks are boosts in attendance, as well as that schedule helping attract teachers and helping save money.
3. Some disadvantages to 4 day weeks are the boosts in crime rates in students, and the strain the schedule puts on the students and their families.
4. No, because if we had a 4 day week the school would be forced to cram in learning, making classes difficult and rushed.
5. If I only had to go to school 4 days a week I would strive to work harder in school and maybe look for new hobbies or sports to do.
6. I think parents wouldn't be as excited as students if we introduced this schedule because they wouldn't be able to relax or work as much.
7. I would have school start at 9 and end near 6 or 7, and in school we would have all of our classes for 1 hour everyday.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Motion Shoots



Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sports Current Event


March 27 Page 23


The article is about the Astros baseball team becoming repeat champions and the last game they played. It discusses the rarity of their situation and how the team responds to it and how they are preparing to keep their championship status.

 Baseball Jargons

Sack: The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base in baseball.

Salad: Easily handed pitch.

Salami: A grand slam home run.

Grand Slam: A home run hit with all 3 bases occupied by baserunners.


I believe this article is a feature because it shows an in-depth look at the team and looks at their prevailing thoughts after the event, as well as it discussing the teams record throughout the season and their most recent game.

1. The article discusses in depth the teams winning streak throughout their seasons and how it affects the teams moral and possible future.
2. The article shows the record of the last game they played and the records of previous MLB championship games.
3. The article had no listings.
4. The article discusses the different players in the team and their role, as well as giving us a look into their thoughts and concerns about the future.

Sports Exploration


Top 5 Boxers in 2017(Heavyweight Division)

1. Anthony Joshua(20-0)
2. Deontay Wilder(39-0)
3. Joseph Parker(24-0)
4. Luis"King Kong"Oritz(28-0)
5. Alexander Povetkin(33-1)

Boxing Summary

Anthony Joshua

Anthony Joshua is a boxer in the heavyweight division with an impressive record of 20 K.Os and 0 loses. Through 2014-2016 he held the British and Commonwealth heavyweight titles, but it was not until 2017 that Joshua would become the heavyweight champion of the world by reigning victorious in his fight against former world champion Wladimir Klitschko.

Boxing Facts

 The rules of the sport of boxing include only being able to hit the face or abdomen, you can only punch so no wrestling or headbutting, and if one person gets knocked down they have 10 seconds to get up and if they don't its a K.O. Some notable jargons in boxing include a jab which is a quick punch with the boxers lead hand, a hook which is short sideways punch usually used to knockout, and a parry is a move where you deflect an opponents attack using your glove. 
 You've probably heard the phrase "Lets Get Ready To Ruuummmble" which is a cliche that came from the sport and has become pretty popular.

Rocky Marciano

Rocky Marciano was a legend in boxing with a zero knockout record, as well as the famous character Rocky Balboa from "Rocky" being based off him. Marciano was born on September 1st, 1923 in Brockton, Massachusetts. Marciano attended Brockton High School but dropped out in 10th grade to help out his family, and in 1943 he was drafted into the US Army. His boxing career in 1946, while awaiting discharge and he decided to represent the army in the Amateur Armed Forces boxing tournament and won, afterwards he decided to pursue a career in boxing and started to train. Marciano began fighting professionally in 1948 and becoming the world heavyweight champion in 1952, with his legendary record of 49 wins(43 being K.Os) and 0 loses. He retired in 1956 and died in 1960 at the age of 45.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

CE 5.2

Short Answer 

1. 300,000 to 400,000 people.
2. Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez and Andrew White, George P. Bush and Jerry Patterson, Bill Gravell and Frank Leffingwell.
3. Because they are more likely to have student loans to pay.
4. Shape of Water.
5. A bar that focuses on live music, healthy food and calming activities like yoga.

Long Response

1. It doesn't matter if guns are going to be controlled more strictly because criminals aren't going to follow the law to buy a gun in the first place. Guns can also be made at home which renders the stricter gun laws useless, your just making it harder for good people to buy guns for protection.

2. I think there would be a lot more protests and riots aimed towards gun laws, with schools in Austin having more walk outs.

3. I think AR-15s should not be banned because they are mainly used as a hunting weapon, and it wouldn't stop crime if they were banned because criminals can make guns at home or buy them illegally. 

4. In terms of family my dad thinks that it wouldn't matter if guns were banned because criminals aren't going to follow the law and my mom thinks there should be a ban on assault weapons.

5. If it was something I felt really strongly about I would put all my energy into trying to change it.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite Newspaper front page is the La Vanguardia cover because of how how clean and elegant it is, and the story pages and pictures being at the top of the cover.
2. My favorite headline is " El fiscal advierte al Parlament que no recupere la DUI" because the cover photo seems interesting with the robot.
3. There are 4 stories on the cover page.
4. All newspaper cover pages usually have big, bold letters boxed in, and the cover story is right below the title and it has the biggest photo size.
5.  Newspapers usually use different fonts for text or different colors for the background.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

CE 5.1

Short Response

1. It is scheduled March 24th in Washington.

2. The name of the shop was Sunrise Tactical Supply.

3. The Mechanical Engineering Department and the Cockrell School of Engineering.

4. The three teams are Norway, Germany and Canada.

5. The heart of success of Black Panther was the diversity behind the storytelling.

Long Response

1.  The company that is making the Cell Phone pouches is called Yondr, and the company was started by Graham Dugoni.

2. Over 600 Schools in America are using the Yondr cell phone pouches.

3. The concept behind the pouches is that people will interact and socialize more as well as being focused on the things around them.

4.  A side effect of the phone pouches at San Lorenzo HS is that the campus is much louder as the students are interacting with each other instead of looking at their phones.

5. I think phone pouches would be useful at concerts or festivals, and it would be extremely useful in movie theaters and during plays.

6. I think the phone pouches might help, but Bowie doesn't have a problematic phone situation because many teachers require you to put your phone up and many people socialize already.

7. As technology advances phones will most likely become smaller and better, with that leading towards people being sucked into their electronics and not experiencing life. 

Friday, February 9, 2018

Prompt Shoot #3




Thursday, January 25, 2018

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. With manipulating images editors usually use adobe photoshop to doctor photographs(Which is editing the appearance of the main person or subject in the photograph to be more appealing to the general mass) and cropping and scaling images to create a depth perception(Which can lead consumers to believe in information or an event that is false or never took place).
B. Those newspapers believe that giving the consumer false information and tricking them into believing it is ethically wrong, so photojournalists working for the Washington Post and the New York Times have to follow strict guidelines on photo editing and are required to turn in proof for a photograph.
C. I think acceptable things in photo editing is cropping to allow more focus to be enabled on the subject and color levels to make the picture brighter and more appealing.

D. I think this photograph of OJ was the worst in my opinion. I think its the worst because it was edited to portray OJ as some sort of villain, completely dehumanizing him. It also changed the opinions of the general masses, making them forget this man is a person with thoughts and feelings.

E. I think this photograph is edited more ethically than the rest of the examples provided. I think this because the editors didn't alter someones appearance to make it more attractive to consumers or use a photograph without consent, but they made two pyramids look closer together. They did this not even to appeal to consumers but to fit on the National Geographic magazine template. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Prompt shoot 2

Courtyard, The Rule Of Thirds

Nature, Viewpoint

Courtyard, Lines

Nature, Cropping.

CE 4.1

1. $449,200
2. 20,000 new jobs 
3. Bitcoin and Ethereum
4. Butler Shores Metropolitan Park, Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park and McKalla Place.
5. A dating app that combines same-day dates with favorite restaurants.

1. This article is about the lives of child actors and the conflicts they struggle to go through. It shows how they're often sexualized by producers and the internet, or how their parents over work them to earn more money. But they can also have a good childhood filled with fun.
2. Some problems with being a child actor can be the sexualization they go through, or being overworked by their parents.
3. From the shows in the article the one I have seen is Stranger Things.
4. My binge favorite would probably be Stranger Things.
5. I use Netflix the watch shows and movies.
6. I watch my shows and movies on my phone or my TV.
7. No, because the stress and being overworked would get to me.
8. No, but it'd be fun to talk to a hollywood star.
9. I would use email or regular mail.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


I chose this photograph to represent cropping because the subject of the man falling is only shown without any other subjects or mergers.


I chose this photograph to show depth because even tho the subject is shown in the middle there is also other subjects that appear in the background.


I chose this photograph to represent viewpoint because the viewpoint of this photograph is angled to show the intensity and destruction of the tower.


I chose this photograph to represent symmetry because the subjects are focused symmetrically throughout the photograph.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Avoiding Mergers

I chose this photograph to represent the rule of avoiding mergers because the subject is focused while there aren't any other subjects interfering.


I chose this photograph to represent framing because the subject is framed with the poles.


I chose this photograph to represent balance because the subject is equally balanced throughout the photograph.


I chose this photograph to represent lines because the subject is the lines of the husk of the tower.

Rule of Thirds

I chose this photograph to show the Rule of Thirds because the subject is focused onto the right third of the photo.


I chose this photograph to show simplicity because it focuses on the subject of the tower erupting into flames.

CE 4

Short Answer

1. La Veta.
2. That they don't need anymore power.
3. Bobby Levinski, Ellen Troxclair, Rich DePalma, Shane Sexton.
4. 8. Sabrina Bianco, Taylor Henderson, Avery McKenzie, Caitlin Godwin,  Keara McGraw, Emily Swift, Kandace Blackburn, Kyndall Johnson.
5. The Bose Soundlink because I like Speakers.

Long Response

1. The title of the book is called "Fire and Fury" by Journalist Micheal Wolf.
2. They want the sales of the book halted because it paints Trump as a volatile and ill-equipped chief executive.
3. No, even though the book is biased its still free speech and halting the sales and distribution of the book is violating Micheal Wolfs right to free speech.
4. Yes, a book is different from a newspaper or magazine because a Book is centered around 1 topic or theme and newspapers/magazines include many different topics. Books are also more advertised than newspapers or magazines.
5. No, as a book author is using their own opinions and research to express while a reporter uses quotes and statements to inquire and advertise about recent current events.
6. No, the book seems to biased towards a liberal side and would probably just make me mad.
7. Yes, I think my mom and her boyfriend would read it because they are both very liberal and dislike Trump.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

2017 Reflection


I like this photo because it captures the hope of these people living through terror. Them sitting down shows their sense of community and hope.

I like this photo as well because it captures a sense of hope as these people make the altar to carry them through their hardships.
This photo captures the raw emotions of this lady as she clings to her child.


The Race by Tay-K was my choice for the best song of 2017. It may not have deep lyrics or a hidden meaning but I chose The Race purely because of how catchy it is and how well it flows. The beat combined with flow makes a catchy, good flowing song that you can listen too over and over again without getting sick of it.

It was hard to narrow down the best movie of 2017 as there were many great movies, IT and Guardians of the Galaxy for example, but I got it down to the movie Get Out. Get Out was the best movie of 2017 in my opinion due to the great character development and suspenseful plot. The actors were great and it combined comedic moments with horror perfectly. It also had a hidden theme about the liberal elite culture and how they can see blacks and other minorities as perfect specimens instead of people with thoughts and emotions.