Friday, January 5, 2018

CE 4

Short Answer

1. La Veta.
2. That they don't need anymore power.
3. Bobby Levinski, Ellen Troxclair, Rich DePalma, Shane Sexton.
4. 8. Sabrina Bianco, Taylor Henderson, Avery McKenzie, Caitlin Godwin,  Keara McGraw, Emily Swift, Kandace Blackburn, Kyndall Johnson.
5. The Bose Soundlink because I like Speakers.

Long Response

1. The title of the book is called "Fire and Fury" by Journalist Micheal Wolf.
2. They want the sales of the book halted because it paints Trump as a volatile and ill-equipped chief executive.
3. No, even though the book is biased its still free speech and halting the sales and distribution of the book is violating Micheal Wolfs right to free speech.
4. Yes, a book is different from a newspaper or magazine because a Book is centered around 1 topic or theme and newspapers/magazines include many different topics. Books are also more advertised than newspapers or magazines.
5. No, as a book author is using their own opinions and research to express while a reporter uses quotes and statements to inquire and advertise about recent current events.
6. No, the book seems to biased towards a liberal side and would probably just make me mad.
7. Yes, I think my mom and her boyfriend would read it because they are both very liberal and dislike Trump.

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