Thursday, October 5, 2017

Free Write

The nation is controlled by the cartel, a nation that exports drugs by the ton, a nation so corrupt that free speech is confronted by torture and death. It hasn't always been this way though, the small South American country of Equador used to peaceful, beautiful even until the violent & ruthless drug cartels from Mexico and Colombia found out about the dense rainforests and unpatrolled coastline that fed into the Carribean Sea. At first it was the colombians, small remanents that followed Pablo Escobar and His ruthless Medellin cartel.
 They started in the rainforests with their cocaine processing super labs which converted the coca leaves into tons and tons of powdered cocaine. Business was going good until they ran into a problem, the coca farmers couldn't keep up with the Colombians demands so they gave up. The cartel was stuck until they realized the coca plant is legal in Bolivia and Peru, so they opened giant farms in those countries and had the leaves smuggled to Equador, were its processed then smuggled into the US.
 At first the US didn't notice, they were too concerned with terorists and the Mexican cartels, but with the increased arrests due to cocaine possession and the amount of money being lost, of course the US would notice. At first they didn't know where it was coming from, but with the increasing stops at the Equador border they knew where to start. They sent the DEA down there to tear up the country in search of the cartel.
 Now the beautiful country is gone. All there is a rainforest thats the stage for one of the most bloodiest drug wars in history. Trees and houses go up in flames everyday, the cartel kidnaps and tortures people who talk against them and gunshots replace the sound of birds. Its a terrible time, a terrible time indeed.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure this is quite long enough in terms of word count. I wish you had used a prompt or given this a title so I could have a better idea of why you chose this as your free write topic. It is interesting, but I also think it is hard to follow and I wish you had continued to focus on the country itself and the peoples reaction to the cartels. Not a bad effort. Next time consider one of the prompts.
