Thursday, December 14, 2017

Final Exam Part 3


Kids love money and parents love a calm child. So too make their kids settle down most parents will give their kids allowance for basically doing nothing, and even though this may seem a viable solution in the moment this could destroy a child's future when they've graduated school and move out of their parents house.

 In terms of graduating in fact, many kids aren't. Some people may see this as a uncommon thing or the child just wants to pursue a career outside of school, but I see this as a direct correlation to free allowance. These kids grow up getting free handouts from their parents and think to themselves that they don't need to work hard or study to get money. They just aren't used to working so they have no motivation too work.

 In terms of work or a job, giving a child free money won't help them with that either. When it's working hard to get paid vs laying on the couch watching t.v and getting paid which one do you think a child will choose. Even if a parent kicks there 20 something year old out of the basement and makes him live on his own he's not going to work, he's going to go on government welfare taking it out on working class tax dollars. 
 So we've established that giving your child free money and being their servant isn't the best parenting option for success, so what is. The best type of parenting in my opinion is making your child do work in order too get paid, but not controlling them.

 This can be hard too do as many parents who make their kids work are also very controlling, but you have to give them independence and inspiration. Being an over controlling parent can cause children too become overly submissive or overly rebellious, but making them work while giving them freedom and compassion can make your child's future self to blossom.  This will teach them to work for things while also giving them the ability to actually respect authority.
 I know these may seem difficult as emotions can be one of the most powerful things we can experience, but I say to be patient. If you need to external help then Id recommend you do that because this is extremely important. You are the most important figure in your child's life, you determine how they'll turn out in the future. Be a good role model, teach your child good habits and give them respect, then watch your child be amazing.

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