Tuesday, December 5, 2017

CE 3.1

Short Answer

1. Sean Foley and Andrew Nestor
2.  Because the land was overly broad and closed off energy sources.
3. To keep up with inflation.
4. Baker Mayfield out of Lake Travis High.
5. I would see "Justice League".

Long Response

1. The tweet  showed that President Trump was someway aware about General Flynn's lies to the FBI when he was dismissed o Feb. 13. This is backed up by former FBI Director James Comey who talked to Trump earlier this year about this subject and Trump said to "let it go".
2. In my opinion I think Trump had some knowledge and awareness about the situation and said "let it go" to Comey at the beginning of the year just to give General Flynn another chance. President Trump probably saw Flynn as an asset and didn't want to loose him for a mistake but when the General showed repeated signs of lying and deception Trump knew he had to pull the plug on Flynn.
3. No I think President Trump should not escape to twitter when he wants to argue with rivals or talk about changes he will make, I think he should instead focus on talking to the people by writing more speeches or public broadcasts. Using twitter to escape the public is very cowardly in my opinion and even though the public and the press paint him as some idiot and bad president(which in my opinion he's doing just fine as president) he needs to man up and face the press head on while communicating to the public in a mature and professional manner.
4. I think twitter should be used to communicate opinions or thoughts in a mature manner or be used to post personal news about someones life, for example like a new dog or car. I think it should also be used to spread public awareness about certain topics but this can be a double edged sword as fake news on social media is a serious problem. Twitter in my opinion should not be used to rant in front of the whole world about your problems or challenge and argue others on their thoughts or beliefs.
5.  In my opinion people should get news from one source, they need to learn to research and find alternate news sources so they can perceive all the angles on certain news subject. A lot of news sources are very biased toward either a liberal or conservative mindset which can tamper with the actual facts, so people need to research about news topics and find the actual facts. The problem with this though is that a lot of people are lazy or want news backed up by their opinion so they can live in denial, which is unhealthy, so we need to teach people how to research and find the truth.
6. No, In my opinion Social Media is a terrible way to gather news information. Humans are very opinionated and biased creatures so most so called "real news" on social media is just biased people using bad news outlets or spinning facts so they can spread their personal opinion on a subject.

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