Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dispatch Evaluation #2


1.The article I read was called " Theater company tours to perform children shows" and it was about the upcoming children shows directed by Seniors. Seniors will have to write a 15-20 minute play and they will travel to elementary and middle schools in AISD and perform them.
a. The people quoted were theater teachers Betsy Cornwell and Courtney Hall and seniors Avery Helder and Lauren Norris.
b. I would say the quote '“15 plays is a big challenge, but because of that, we were able to cast everyone who auditioned. I’m sure most of the technicians who interview will also get to help build and run a show too.” ' because it wraps up the main summary of the article while talking about what a challenge it is.
c. Yes because it uses good figurative language that draws the reader in.
d. It was a quote.
a.  There is no photos on the article
c. If I was a director I would of assigned photos taken of the plays in action.
d. They needed to use more photos because they didn't have any.


1. The article is called "Chat with Nat: How can we achieve happiness" and its a discussion on ways t improve our mental health as high schoolers. It talks about the ways of going about this by setting personal goals and making sure to spend time socializing instead of getting wrapped up in homework.
a. They weren't any quotes.
b. No quotes.
c. Yes because it was centered around a way to be more happy.
d. A Statement.
a. No Photos
b. No Photos
c. I would of assigned a picture revolving around happiness.
4. Needed more photos.


1.  The article is called "Skylar Wolsch-Gallia's spark of madness" and its about a senior who is deciding to get a tattoo and her 18th birthday. She is choosing to tattoo a quote on her arm from Robin Williams about how we should hang on to our youth because its short lived.
a. Skylar Wolsh-Gallia, Hannah Rutt and Bobbi Wolsh-Gallia.
b. The quote where Skylar explains that Robin Williams was her hero growing up.
c. Yes because it talks about how this one girl is different from the other students.
d. A quote.
a. My favorite photo was the one of the tattoo on her arm.
a2. Because it shows the tattoo in its entirety and how it looks.
b. Least favorite was one with the quote cut off.
b2. Its not as good because the quote is cut off and its zoomed in too far.
c. I would say that they did a pretty good job with the photos but I would say they could've taken a picture of her maybe in the tattoo shop.
d. Yes they did a good job.


1. The article is called "Dance team takes all the steps necessary to raise funds for competition trips" and its about how they raising money to go on a trip to hawaii. The team is using all types of fundraising in order to pay for the trip including a bake and yard sale.
a. Morgan Andrews, Alice Werchan and Katharine Werchan.
b. A quote by Alice explaining how she is raising her funds and how it is just like a regular year. 
c. Yes because it was was mysterious and you wanted to learn more about the topic.
d. A statement.
a. My favorite photo was the one showing the parents being involved.
a2. I liked this photo because it showed that these parents are willing to be involved with their childs school.
b. My least favorite photo was the one showing the customers purchasing the items.
b2. I didn't like this one because it was a little off topic from the article and it seemed these students didn't give much consent to be in the photograph.
c. If I was the director I would assign a photograph of maybe the entire dance team going to Hawaii or show what their inventory was to raise awareness for the fundraiser.
d. In my opinion the photography in this issue was very well coordinated and the photos were taken very professionally with good lighting and subjects.


1.  The Article I read was called "AG members took the bait and got hooked on this club" and its about the Bowie Fishing Club. It talks about when and why the club was formed and the various members that make it up.
a. Shelby Fisher, Kayden Drake, Tyler Deithloff and Hunter Amidon.
b. The quote by Kayden Drake that talks about why the club was created because it goes into depth on the subject of the article.
c. Yes because of the good writing and language used.
d. A quote by Shelby Fisher.
a. I liked the only photo the article had.
a2. I liked it because it showed the club members and portrayed the subject of the article.
b. There wasn't any bad pictures.
c. I would say to photograph the club at a tournament or them holding a fish.
d. The photography was well shot but it should've included more pictures.


1. The article I read was "The murder-mystery Blossoms again" and it is a review of the show "Riverdale". It talked about the shows protagonists and the main plot of the show, telling us about the death of Jason Blossom and how the 4 high school protagonists work to solve the mystery behind his death. It shows the facts of the show as well as the author of the articles personal opinion relating towards the subject, telling us as the readers if we should watch it or not.
a. There is one person quoted and its one of the character in the show named Jughead Jones.
b. The one quote by Jones was strong as it showed a cliffhanger ending hinting to a second season.
c. Yes because it told us that "Riverdale" was different from any other teen show and it made us want to know why.
d. A quote by Jughead Jones.
a. The only picture on the article was a painting of the Riverdale dinner but I liked it.
a2. I liked it because it was well painted and with a unique style.
b. No bad pictures.
c. I would say to take a picture of the cast or different scenes of the show without spoilers.
d. The painting was good it just needed some photography.


1. The article I read was "Hurricane Harvey drives student to move to Austin" and it was about a girl and her family that moved to Austin before Hurricane Harvey hit. It goes in depth to her situation and how she is adapting to Bowie.
a. Janna Beardsley, Tree Glowka, Vincent Jimenez.
b. The featured quote on the article because it goes into depth on the extent of damage Hurricane Harvey and how she endured it.
c. Yes because it talks about a hopeless situation.
d. A quote.
a. My favorite was her playing the guitar.
a2. Because it showed her passions.
b. The one of her on the swing.
b2. It seemed irralelavent,
c. of her studying or doing home work.
d. It was good.

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