Thursday, January 25, 2018

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. With manipulating images editors usually use adobe photoshop to doctor photographs(Which is editing the appearance of the main person or subject in the photograph to be more appealing to the general mass) and cropping and scaling images to create a depth perception(Which can lead consumers to believe in information or an event that is false or never took place).
B. Those newspapers believe that giving the consumer false information and tricking them into believing it is ethically wrong, so photojournalists working for the Washington Post and the New York Times have to follow strict guidelines on photo editing and are required to turn in proof for a photograph.
C. I think acceptable things in photo editing is cropping to allow more focus to be enabled on the subject and color levels to make the picture brighter and more appealing.

D. I think this photograph of OJ was the worst in my opinion. I think its the worst because it was edited to portray OJ as some sort of villain, completely dehumanizing him. It also changed the opinions of the general masses, making them forget this man is a person with thoughts and feelings.

E. I think this photograph is edited more ethically than the rest of the examples provided. I think this because the editors didn't alter someones appearance to make it more attractive to consumers or use a photograph without consent, but they made two pyramids look closer together. They did this not even to appeal to consumers but to fit on the National Geographic magazine template. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Prompt shoot 2

Courtyard, The Rule Of Thirds

Nature, Viewpoint

Courtyard, Lines

Nature, Cropping.

CE 4.1

1. $449,200
2. 20,000 new jobs 
3. Bitcoin and Ethereum
4. Butler Shores Metropolitan Park, Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park and McKalla Place.
5. A dating app that combines same-day dates with favorite restaurants.

1. This article is about the lives of child actors and the conflicts they struggle to go through. It shows how they're often sexualized by producers and the internet, or how their parents over work them to earn more money. But they can also have a good childhood filled with fun.
2. Some problems with being a child actor can be the sexualization they go through, or being overworked by their parents.
3. From the shows in the article the one I have seen is Stranger Things.
4. My binge favorite would probably be Stranger Things.
5. I use Netflix the watch shows and movies.
6. I watch my shows and movies on my phone or my TV.
7. No, because the stress and being overworked would get to me.
8. No, but it'd be fun to talk to a hollywood star.
9. I would use email or regular mail.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


I chose this photograph to represent cropping because the subject of the man falling is only shown without any other subjects or mergers.


I chose this photograph to show depth because even tho the subject is shown in the middle there is also other subjects that appear in the background.


I chose this photograph to represent viewpoint because the viewpoint of this photograph is angled to show the intensity and destruction of the tower.


I chose this photograph to represent symmetry because the subjects are focused symmetrically throughout the photograph.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Avoiding Mergers

I chose this photograph to represent the rule of avoiding mergers because the subject is focused while there aren't any other subjects interfering.


I chose this photograph to represent framing because the subject is framed with the poles.


I chose this photograph to represent balance because the subject is equally balanced throughout the photograph.


I chose this photograph to represent lines because the subject is the lines of the husk of the tower.

Rule of Thirds

I chose this photograph to show the Rule of Thirds because the subject is focused onto the right third of the photo.


I chose this photograph to show simplicity because it focuses on the subject of the tower erupting into flames.

CE 4

Short Answer

1. La Veta.
2. That they don't need anymore power.
3. Bobby Levinski, Ellen Troxclair, Rich DePalma, Shane Sexton.
4. 8. Sabrina Bianco, Taylor Henderson, Avery McKenzie, Caitlin Godwin,  Keara McGraw, Emily Swift, Kandace Blackburn, Kyndall Johnson.
5. The Bose Soundlink because I like Speakers.

Long Response

1. The title of the book is called "Fire and Fury" by Journalist Micheal Wolf.
2. They want the sales of the book halted because it paints Trump as a volatile and ill-equipped chief executive.
3. No, even though the book is biased its still free speech and halting the sales and distribution of the book is violating Micheal Wolfs right to free speech.
4. Yes, a book is different from a newspaper or magazine because a Book is centered around 1 topic or theme and newspapers/magazines include many different topics. Books are also more advertised than newspapers or magazines.
5. No, as a book author is using their own opinions and research to express while a reporter uses quotes and statements to inquire and advertise about recent current events.
6. No, the book seems to biased towards a liberal side and would probably just make me mad.
7. Yes, I think my mom and her boyfriend would read it because they are both very liberal and dislike Trump.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

2017 Reflection


I like this photo because it captures the hope of these people living through terror. Them sitting down shows their sense of community and hope.

I like this photo as well because it captures a sense of hope as these people make the altar to carry them through their hardships.
This photo captures the raw emotions of this lady as she clings to her child.


The Race by Tay-K was my choice for the best song of 2017. It may not have deep lyrics or a hidden meaning but I chose The Race purely because of how catchy it is and how well it flows. The beat combined with flow makes a catchy, good flowing song that you can listen too over and over again without getting sick of it.

It was hard to narrow down the best movie of 2017 as there were many great movies, IT and Guardians of the Galaxy for example, but I got it down to the movie Get Out. Get Out was the best movie of 2017 in my opinion due to the great character development and suspenseful plot. The actors were great and it combined comedic moments with horror perfectly. It also had a hidden theme about the liberal elite culture and how they can see blacks and other minorities as perfect specimens instead of people with thoughts and emotions.